Coinflash "Acorns" for Cryptocurrency
Coinflash launched its beta version in August of 2017.
Basically, Acorns is an investment app that rounds every Credit Card purchase up to the nearest dollar amount and invests that money into traditional markets. Coinflash, is just like Acorns, except that it invests in Bitcoin (BTC) or Etherium (ETH), the latter a newer cryptocurrency. This is a great tool* for people that are interested in participating in this new market but do not want to "lose their shirt" by putting a bunch in at the beginning. Coinflash is a form of micro-investment that has the potential to pay out quite well over a period of 5-10 years, and should be considered by anyone curious about the new opportunities arising in the crypto-economy.
An example of how micro-investing works on Coinflash. [Image from]
If you feel so moved, go on over to to download the App, and then link it with a Coinbase wallet, and you should be off to the races! The inventor of Coinflash, Louis Lappat, has a degree in Computer Science from Northwestern, and an MFA from Colombia. Currently Coinflash has 7,500 Users, so it is extremely nascent.
* This does not constitute financial advice, please consult your financial advisor before making investment decisions.
Frank America is a blockchain researcher. You can follow him on Twitter.