The Evolution of Money

Money is an instrument that people agree to pay attention to. Whether it’s seashells in Papua New Guinea, Grecian coins made of precious metals, tobacco sticks in a prison yard or chips at a poker table, group attention flows through these instruments just as vibration runs through strings, imbuing them with the harmonic sound of “money” as an agreed upon medium of exchange.

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Pay Attention to Bitcoin (2024)

Our focus forms the value structure that makes money work. Attention is the arbiter of value. It is an organizing principle for value. Where more people look, value increases. What we pay attention to we charge with value. Hence the phrase “pay attention.”

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FinanceJoseph Voelbel
Paper Cuts — 10 Ways to Preserve Your Financial Power

This essay is entitled, “Paper Cuts”, and it’s meant to cover all the tiny ways that we lose and a few ways we can gain money. Money is energy, it is a time-locked consolidation of power, and represents freedom of choice. Growing one’s amount of money is a reflection of one’s own ability to control their reality, and impress their value upon it in such a way that it can be stored up for future operations.

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Excerpt from New Novel, Kinney

P. mused that the ocean held mysteries. To him, it was all one ocean, in effect, divided by many names, many maps, many territories; the Pacific Ocean was the Atlantic Ocean which is the Indian Ocean which is the Arctic Ocean, we just divided it up by names, names make boundaries, boundaries create stability, support, and the capacity to understand something, but it was all one ocean, and all land on God’s green earth that we knew as continents, were just islands surrounded by the sea.

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